Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

White County Election Commission Confident August Issue Resolved

White County Election Commission Administrator Dorcas Marcum said the election issues from August have been resolved for the Presidential Election.

Marcum said there was a paper ballot shortage in August and unused early voting ballots were used. However, she said the scanners are set up to only take the ballots they are programmed for, forcing White County to hand count the votes.

“We’ve taken care of the ballots and we made sure we have plenty of ballots and there’s not been any problems with our scanners or anything like that through early voting,” Marcum said. “We voted over 7,000 people, so I think we’re good to go.”

Marcum said nearly half of registered voters have already participated, and she’s ready if another 8,000 voters show up on Election Day. Marcum said she’s confident in the number of workers she has and is planning to get a head start on absentee ballots.

“We’re prepared to start counting our absentee ballots earlier than we usually do to get those done by the close of polls,” Marcum said. “People should be prepared, I think probably, to stand in line here just like they did for early voting.”

Marcum said scanners are set up to take either early voting or Election Day ballots for security reasons. Marcum said there is no difference between the two ballots, other than the ballot needing its designated scanner.
