Friday, September 27, 2024
Happening Now

White County BOE Approves Budget

White County Schools won’t be asking for any additional tax dollars this year.

Director of Schools Kurt Dronebarger said the White County Board of Education approved its budget last week. And it doesn’t ask for any additional funding.

“Our budget total is around $39 million that’s including all salaries, our capitol outlay projects, we’ve added several new positions, the majority of our increases this year have been in personnel,” Dronebarger said.

Also included in the budget is funding for a new Findlay Elementary and a new athletic complex at White County Middle School.

“We actually are in a great place financially a place that our former directors and our board has gotten us to and that allows us to have a good fund balance that we’re able to work with and do a lot of capitol projects without dipping into our reserves,” Dronebarger said.

The White County Commission will vote on the schools budget at its regular meeting Monday.
