Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Happening Now

White Co. Schools’ McDonald Seeking TSBA Vice Presidency

White County School Board’s Jayson McDonald is seeking the Tennessee School Board Association’s Vice Presidency in the upcoming election.

McDonald previously served as the Upper Cumberland District Director and currently serves as the Treasurer. He said to him, the job is about being a servant.

“And being a servant to the students of this state, not only in White County but across the entire state,” McDonald said. “So this is an opportunity I say to be able to try and help our education across the state of Tennessee.”

McDonald said the next step toward running for Vice President is to submit an application by September detailing his accomplishments and work done both at the local and state school board level. He said his ultimate goal is to one day be the first TSBA president that hails from White County.

McDonald said the Vice Presidenct would report back to the board what the CEO and her staff are doing as far as lobbying at the state level for educational needs in Tennessee. If he is elected, McDonald said he would still serve on White County’s School Board as stipulated by TSBA.

“It’s just an honor to be entrusted with that time to be able to serve the Upper Cumberland not only my home county of White County and my board,” McDonald said. “It’s also an honor for them to put that trust in me to be able to take our ideas and the ideas of the entire Upper Cumberland to the state level at TSBA and have our voices heard. I mean I think that’s all we want to do is have our voices heard on the education of our students and of our teachers and our staff of the school districts we represent.”

McDonald said elections will be held at the annual convention at the Opryland Hotel in November.
