Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

White Co. 4-H Holding Meeting For Students Interested In Livestock

White County 4-H hosting a livestock interest meeting this Thursday at 5:30 p.m.

TSU 4-H Extension Agent Kiley Wilson said that she wanted to create the event to inspire more kids to get involved with agriculture, specifically livestock.

“Basically what I’m wanting to go over is that since we’re such a rural county, I really want to work hard to get a livestock program built upon in our county,” Wilson said. “And kind of go over the different opportunities available in that program.”

Wilson said those attending can learn more about showing cattle and sheep, and also about judging livestock. She said students can learn about skill-a-thons and quiz bowls offered as part of 4-H as well. Wilson said that the interest meeting is open to any White County student from 4th grade to a senior in high school.

Wilson said that as someone who grew up involved in livestock and agriculture, she wanted to provide the same opportunities to those interested in White County.

Wilson said that those are unable to make the meeting can reach out to her at the extension office.
