A Van Buren County woman is looking to raise funds in order to build a new animal shelter in Spencer.
Carlie Lefebvre is a dog groomer in Spencer and has lived in the area for 12 years. She said many people have asked her about places to adopt or take animals to.
“You have a lot of people asking about the animals, where they can take them, [and] new people that move here are always wondering why we don’t have one,” Lefebvre said. “We have a lot of dogs roaming the streets here that definitely need to be off the streets. So I guess that’s what inspired me the most… so we don’t have to worry about trying to find someone from a different county to accept our dogs.”
Lefebvre said she’s looking at having the shelter built on her own property and has even discussed the possibility with some city officials.
“We checked with the codes to make sure the restrictions were fine there and they told us we could put one there,” Lefebvre said. “It doesn’t matter, there’s no land restrictions. The city can’t give us any money, we don’t have very much money here in this town, [but] they don’t see a problem with it.”
Lefebvre said she and her partners in the project are looking to host several fundraising events in order to afford the new animal shelter.
“I know the fundraising is going to take a while until we raise enough money, but a while is better than not doing it at all,” Lefebvre said. “A lot of people have been interested in it and have messaged me for donating. We’ve got quite a few people who have donated. It’ll be slow but we’ll get it.”
Lefebvre said donation boxes will likely be used at area businesses around Spencer to help raise additional funding. A fundraising event is set for Saturday on Mitchell Street beginning at 11 a.m. with all funds going towards the new shelter.