Friday, March 21, 2025
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Upper Cumberland School Leaders Reflect On Annual Leadership Conference

Upper Cumberland School leaders say that the annual Fall Creek Falls Leadership Conference was a major success.

School Directors, Central Office Staff, and School Principals heard from state officials about the new funding formula, CTE updates and other topics. Clay Director of Schools Diana Monroe said that as a new director, she plans to take the information and use it to her benefit as she continues to serve the students of Clay County.

“They just told us about lots of things that we have to have knowledge of to be able to carry on a school,” Monroe said. “My being a new director, just being in this about five months, it was an outstanding conference to me. I learned a tremendous amount.”

White County Director of Schools Kurt Dronebarger said that some issues that were highlighted this year that weren’t discussed as much previously include social/emotional learning and mental health.

“It was good to kind of flesh those out as a group,” Dronebarger said. “And kind of talk about how your county handling this, and how is your county handling that. And so we get to have those conversations and I think it’s really beneficial and also benefits the whole region.”

Dronebarger said that close to 200 administrators attended from all across the Upper Cumberland.
