Bee Strong. That’s the message more than 20 members of the Upperman High School faculty and staff sent to students Tuesday with a video compiled by Upperman Choir Director Emily Phillips.
Interim Director of Schools Corby King wants all Putnam County schools to encourage students during these uncertain times. Upperman Principal Billy Stepp said that is the goal of the video.
“His biggest intent is to create a positive environment for the kids, reach out to them, let them know we’re here to help them,” Stepp said. “If they need anything we’re here to give that to them – whether it’s food, devices, or just personal contact.”
Stepp said the video project, featuring faculty and staff singing the iconic theme song to the television show “Friends,” intends to demonstrate to students that Upperman High School is a family of support during these unusual times.
“We’re there for them, and you know we’re here to support them because I know they’re going stir crazy with not being able to get out and go like normal teenagers.”
Assistant Principal Greg Wilson said.
Wilson said the project took about four days to complete.
Stepp and Wilson said the message of the video – “We are Upperman” and “#BEESTRONG,” will serve as motivation for students, faculty and staff to get through these unusual times, and that the faculty and staff will be there to support the students and community throughout the process.