Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

UCRA Finds Party To Remove Old Farmhouse From Property

The Upper Cumberland Regional Airport moving forward on the demolition of a farmhouse on its property.

Airport Manager Dean Selby said the goal is to have the home removed by the end of spring.

“I’m ready to see it gone,” Selby said. “I think it is a hazard. It could be potential liability if someone got in there and got hurt, so it’s time to get read of that and get that area cleaned up for the next phase.”

Selby said removal of the home means the airport can move on to completing its master plan. Selby said the space will be used for ramp expansion in the future.

“It opens up that next area of property,” Selby said. “We’ve got property on both sides of that house that we’ve owned for several years, and it just kind of ties all of that property together. We don’t have an immediate need for that exact location, but going forward that is in our long-term expansion plan.”

Selby said the bid for demolition came in under $5,000, so a quote process was not required. The airport board has explored demolishing the building for over two years.

Board members at one time had interest in restoring the old farmhouse or relocating it, but it was determined to be too expensive.
