Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

UCHRA And Butterfly Blessing Effect Hosting Food Donation Drive Saturday

Butterfly Blessing Effect along with UCHRA will be accepting food donations Saturday to fuel the Butterfly Blessing Box.

Non-Profit CEO Pam Russell said the donation cabinets works like this. Take what you need and leave what you can.

“Butterfly Blessings is an organization that have outside food pantry boxes for people who just need it,” Russell said. “Who just need to stop by and just can’t make things happen this week.”

Russell said the UCHRA office on South Jefferson is currently the only operational box. But, Russell said that will change with a new West End Park one opening after the food drive.

“This has been a big passion of mine to make sure no one is hungry, and small steps mean everything,” Russell said. “So, this is one of the small steps we have taken.”

Russell said she first began the organization about two years ago after moving to the community. Russell said the boxes built so far have all been hand made.

“Those boxes will be filled with everything that we get from the drop off,” Russell said. “We have had people who have volunteered to build boxes.”

Russell said the event runs from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the UCHRA offices. Russell asks that people bring non-perishable items since the box is outdoors.
