Thursday, December 26, 2024
Happening Now

TTU Plaza Upgrades Expected to Finish in January

Tennessee Tech is expecting to complete the second phase of its upgrades to Centennial Plaza in January.

Vice President for Facilities and Business Services Chuck Roberts said a waterfall and rock landscaping are the final pieces to completing the renovations. Roberts said there has been sod and more trees added to further upgrade the look of this popular spot on TTU’s campus.

“You’ll see, especially when the weather is warmer, you’ll see a lot of students out there studying or meeting,” Roberts said. “Various groups will meet out there, sometimes they’ll have bands out there that’ll play music in the afternoon, so it’s just a great location.”

While the waterfall is expected to be up and operational by January, turning it on will be dependent on the weather. Roberts said for both phases, the costs are about $50,000 to $55,000 for the waterfall and landscaping.

“The new area is about $35,000 and then the other part was about $15,000 to $20,000,” Roberts said. “A lot of it is for the trees and the sod… We really wanted to get a guarantee on the trees and so, the trees that we got have a guarantee they will survive, or we get it replaced.”

Roberts said the waterfall area is what costs $35,000. He said TTU has been working on Centennial Plaza for five to six years.

