Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Thawing Ground Could Lead To More Busted Pipes As Dirt Shifts

More water line breaks could be in the offing as the ground thaws from last week’s frigid temperatures.

McMinnville Maintenance Foreman Eric Adamson said the ground warming causes dirt to shift which could lead to busted pipes.

“Older cast iron lines they seem to like to pop,” Adamson said. “The biggest concern is definitely with the freezing and the water in the ground thaws, it makes the lines underground move. So, I would be alert for it.”

Adamson said if you notice surface water on a dry day, it likely means there is a water leak. Adamson said most times the water will come out of cuts in the road or near sidewalks. Adamson said a noticeable change in water pressure also an indication of a possible leak.

Adamson said in McMinnville, workers have seen an increase of busted pipes since the temperature increase. Adamson said residents that notice these signs should contact their local water department.

“Fortunately, it has not been too bad,” Adamson said. “This past weekend we saw low temperatures freezing the ground up. We have weather around 50 degrees. We’ve been noticing more pipelines bursting.”
