Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Happening Now

Tennessee Tech Family Weekend Wants To Bring Families The Campus Experience

Tennessee Tech’s Family Weekend kicks off Friday with the goal to make both students and family feel part of the Golden Eagle Community.

New Student and Family Program Assistant Director Courtney Brehm said that the weekend helps to bring families together to experience campus.

“We always try to be really strategic when we plan Family Weekend,” Brehm said. “And kind of try to plan it around the time that, especially our new students, would start to feel homesick kind of missing home and their families and so really the goal is to bring their families to them.”

Brehm said that there will be events both on-campus and off-campus for families to enjoy, ranging from a live reptile exhibit by the biology department to free food at the football game tailgate.

“We have some events within the local Cookeville community,” Brehm said. “We always partner up with art jam to get families out there and do some painting together, they get to paint a custom Tennesee Tech so that’s really cool. we happened to luck out that Fall Fun Fest is the same weekend as Family Weekend so we’re trying to push families to go enjoy that as well. But then we have different events going around campus as well. Of course, the big weekend that the weekend is sort of planned is around is the football game which will be on Saturday. We always have a really big tailgate to get families out to tailgate.”

She said after only offering virtual activities last year, the university is excited for families to come together.

“That’s really the whole goal. We really want them to feel like they’re part of our community. We want them to get involved, see what’s going on on-campus, and just enjoy a good time together.”

No reservations are required for attendance.
