Monday, July 1, 2024
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Tag Archives: Annual Budget

Overton Sends Budget Back To Committee

After a raucous, hour-long public hearing Monday, Overton County Commissioners sent the plans for a new fiscal year budget back to the budget committee. Commissioners first considered a new salary schedule, but voted 11-4 against it. After that, Chairman Darwin Clark confirmed that they could not vote for the annual budget without the salary schedule. “If they vote down, we ... Read More »

Cumberland Budget Likely Steady, Provide For Employees

Weeks of work remain on Cumberland County’s annual budget, but Mayor Allen Foster said it is on track to take care of what the county needs. Foster said more data about the county’s revenues must be collected before they can more forward. Foster said the main priority of the budget will be to provide the county’s existing employees with the ... Read More »

White Board Of Education Faces $3.1 Million Budget Deficit

The White County Board of Education approaching a budget decision Thursday with a $3.1 million deficit in its new fiscal year budget. Director Kurt Dronebarger told the School Board during a work session Tuesday the district usually budgets to save money each year, but this year is a “terrible storm” of different financial problems facing the district. Dronebarger said issues ... Read More »

Overton School Board Concerned About Teacher Pay

School systems around Overton County considering up to $5,000 salary increases for teachers, causing concern for the Overton County Board of Education. Budget Director Crystal Nelson said starting teacher pay for next year needs to increase by a minimum of $2,500, putting it at $44,500 a year. Board Member William Abston said pay in the district has consistently been lower ... Read More »