Friday, May 3, 2024
Happening Now

Sparta Rescue Squad Learns Swift Water Skills

The Sparta Rescue Squad spent some time in the water last weekend learning swift water rescue skills. They’ll go back for more training the first weekend in June.

Lt. Zachary Cunningham said the training is intense.

“Basic swift water is probably about 20-30 hours on scene in the water and advanced swift water is a little bit longer than that. It’s a full, grueling weekend for everyone participating,” Cunningham said.

That’s a lot of training time for a volunteer organization. Cunningham said the Sparta Rescue Squad is 100 percent volunteer and operates on donations.

“We’re really thankful, we also have, the support we get from our community in the way of donations and services, everything else you can imagine, is amazing. Most of our budget comes from donations from people in the community,” Cunningham said.

The group has already been called on to perform two swift water rescues so far this year.

