Thursday, March 27, 2025
Happening Now

Sparta Green Market Kicks Off The Season With Live Music Friday

The Sparta Green Market opening its vendor registration Wednesday preparing for the upcoming spring season.

Manager Amanda Dunsmore said every third Friday from May until October patrons can browse a mixture of home grown vendors.

“All of our vendors are vendors that are making, producing or growing 80 percent or more of their own products,” Dunsmore said. “So, we do not allow whole sellers and resellers to come to this market.”

Dunsmore said the market can provide more than just produce. Dunsmore said the evening market has also expanded its capacity to 35 merchants to include more artisans.

“We will have crafts people who maybe have wooden walking sticks and hand made aprons,” Dunsmore said. “We also have a lot of people that provide homemade jams and jellies and sauces, and one of the fan favorites is Calfkiller Beer will be there setting up with their beer garden.”

Dunsmore said applications are open to all neighboring areas of White County. Vandors will receive notification on their application by April 1st.

“And the address is 5 West Maple Street,” Dunsmore said. “It is a big brick pavilion called Metcalf pavilion in Sparta, and if you miss us this month, we will be glad to have you next month.”

This will be the sixth year for the Sparta Green Market. Dunsmore said from organic vegetables to homemade crafts, the market has something for everyone.
