Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Son Of Overton Clerk Says Allegations By Comptroller’s Office Are False

The son of Overton County Clerk Victoria Looper said his mother did not create fake titles that a State Comptroller’s investigation alleges.

Chase Looper spoke on his mother’s behalf Thursday. Her attorney advised against speaking about the investigation. Chase Looper said the titles used as collateral on bank loans came from a family friend.

“She has a friend that has old cars, and she asked to get titles on those, so she could get a loan from the bank,” Chase Looper said. “She did not ask if those cars were there, and he didn’t say so she had no idea about that.”

According to the investigation, Victoria Looper allegedly altered the titles of two vehicles to improperly create new titles. She then used the titles as collateral for two personal loans.

“There were no false titles contrary to what is being said,” Chase Looper said.

Chase Looper said his family faced a large financial burden after his father fought cancer for several years. Chase Looper said the loans taken out were fully repaid by his mother by the time the investigation was released.

“You do what you have to do for your family,” Chase Looper said. “And there is some stuff that is in there that isn’t true. This happened right before the election. I definitely think there are some people behind it.”

Investigators also alleged that Victoria Looper misappropriated county-owned assets when she removed office furniture, equipment and some flooring from the Clerk’s Office space.

The report says she did not obtain approval from Overton County Executive Ben Danner. However, Chase Looper said Danner gave his mother verbal confirmation to move the items.

“There were reports that Victoria stole furniture which is not true,” Chase Looper said. “The furniture was from the old courthouse annex when they were moving out of there into the new one. It was actually helped loaded by jail administration and inmates. Victoria verbally asked County Executive Ben Danner if she could take those items, and he said yes.”

The office furniture and other equipment were loaded into a trailer and taken to private property, according to the report. Chase Looper said when the audit occurred, the items were still at the location.

“Victoria said she is deeply sorry for anyone she has confused or disappointed during this time,” Chase Looper said.
