Monday, March 17, 2025
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Rising Chemical Prices Cause Monterey To Discuss Water Rate Increase

Monterey’s engineering team recommended the Board of Aldermen to increase water rates by eight percent.

Water Plant Supervisor Duane Jarrett said the city is seeing a rise in supply costs.

“I went over this with the water and sewer committee, and I went over it with the finance committee,” Jarrett said. “Obviously, we cannot just absorb 25 percent across the board chemical cost for the year without making a move.”

Engineer Nathaniel Green said an eight percent increase would mean about $4 dollar rise for the average customer. Green said the board should consider seeking an expert opinion to study just how much rates should increase.

“They could tell you what percentage the inside city customers were paying of the percentage they should be paying and what percentage the outside city customers were paying and what they should be paying,” Green said. “They look at all those aspects where as whenever me and Duane are looking at it, we’re looking at the debit and credits and just making sure we get the percentages right.”

Green said the study would cost about $30,000 and recommended a consulting company to the Board of Aldermen Monday. Green said the last water rate increase Monterey approved was in 2020 by three percent.

“But we really wanted to do like, six, then six, then six, and keep on doing it until you get to the point where you feel comfortable enough especially with the new treatment plant coming online” Green said.

Jarrett said carbon and bleach prices have jumped the most by some 40 percent. Jarrett said a half a percent a year used to be a lot.
