Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

Repairs To The Cumberland County Courthouse Set To Begin

Repairs to the Cumberland County Courthouse are set to get underway this month.

Cumberland County Mayor Allen Foster said a second set of bids has been approved to repair structural damage to the portion of the building built in 1905. Foster said he is excited to get the beautiful, historic building back in working order.

“It’s something that I respect and I appreciate,” Foster said. “This is the people’s building. It’s a beautiful building. It’s something that we need to take care of, and thankfully, our county commission and the public see it that way as well. We’re blessed to have a beautiful old courthouse.”

Foster said the issues began with a discolored ceiling tile, leading to discovery of major structural damage. He said two wooden trusses that were set in 1905 had significant damage and had dropped some five inches from the building over time. He said he expects the renovation to be complete in some 18 months.

“We had an engineering team come in that specializes in this kind of thing and has determined all of the work that needs to be done,” Foster said. “When that work’s done, of course, it’ll be basically in shambles from all of the work. Then after that, we’re going to do a remodel and remake of the courthouse so it’ll be here for another 100 years.”

Foster said the project will fix the courthouse clock tower and replace all of the windows as well. He said right now, support beams are holding up the building, so repair work will be centered around creating structural support that allows the beams to be removed. He said once they are removed, remodeling will begin.

“This is the way that we are going to be able to fix it inside and out and have it ready for the next long term, and keep this thing in the good shape that it deserves to be in,” Foster said.

Foster said for the time being, staff working inside the building can expect a degree of havoc in their workplace. He said every day that he walks up the courthouse steps, he is grateful for the building and looks forward to the finished product.
