Thursday, March 13, 2025
Happening Now

Congressman John Rose Re-Elected To 6th District

Congressman John Rose will serve another term in Tennessee’s 6th District.

According to unofficial results from the Secretary of State’s office, Rose defeated Democrat challenger Randal Cooper winning some 82 percent of the vote. Rose said one his main goals is to restore “sanity” to the budgeting processes of Washington and to get spending under control.

“And ultimately address the problem of our growing federal debt,” Rose said. “And so that’s something I hope I’ll be able to have a greater impact on with the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives that I think we’ll see ushered in.”

Rose said other issues important to him include inflation, policies with the southern border, and addressing the country’s standing in the world. He said he’s honored to continue to represent the constituents of District 6 in Washington D.C.

Rose said he first ran four years ago, leaving behind his work in the private sector as a farmer and a business person. He said it was because he was concerned about the direction of the country.

“And we’ve got to be sure that we do what’s necessary to continue that long, hallowed, American tradition of passing on the country to the next generation in better condition than our parents left it to us,” Rose said. “And that’s why I ran in the first place and that’s why I ran again this time, to try and finish that work.”
