Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam Honors Fallen Heroes On Historic Courthouse Lawn

The Putnam County community gathered on Memorial Day, under the historic courthouse to honor the heroes fallen during military service.

The Veterans Honor Guard fired the 21-gun salute and 101 year old Lehman Riggs played taps on his bugle after the laying of the wreaths for local veterans lost. U.S. Naval Academy 2nd Class Midshipman Donovan Hodam said seeing the generations of veterans pay tribute is a reminder of the men and women who came before him in the United States Military.

“One of my good mentors, he had people that he lost in Afghanistan,” Hodam said. “I see how it really affected him. All these men around here is just an honor how they fought along side other men who’ve lost their lives, and women. I think it’s just a great honor to be here just to honor them and support them in like anything I can do.”

Hodham said Memorial Day is a time that emphasizes that enlisting is not about glory, it is a love of country and the community around you. Hodham said he hopes people thank veterans each day for the sacrifices they made.

“Just thank them for their service, anyone that has the veterans hat,” Hodham said. “Just know, that even though you might not agree with the war or whatever combat we’re in, at least support the troops.”

VFW Post 6296 Commander Jim Loftis said there were representatives from five branches of the U.S. Military to lay wreaths for Putnam servicemen who were killed in action. Loftis said having the public in attendance is a reminder of why a day like Memorial Day, is possible.

“The freedoms that we enjoy today, I think this is a reminder of those that made that ultimate sacrifice,” Loftis said. “On behalf of our country and the freedoms that we enjoy today as a result of their action.”

Putnam County’s Memorial Day gathering featured no speakers, being fully conducted by the Veterans Honor Guard. Across the courthouse lawn, pictures of fallen servicemen were displayed as a reminder of sacrifices made.
