Saturday, January 25, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam Health Department Project Expecting To Bid In August

Putnam County’s Health Department expansion project is expected to bid in August.

Director Lisa Bumbalough said that the project would create a clinical wing that separates sick patients from other visitors.

“Negative pressure rooms are really important and they’re also called isolation rooms,” Bumbalough said. “And those are rooms or areas that keep patients with infectious illnesses or folks who are susceptible to infection away from others.”

Bumbalough said the work will also help with the department’s overcrowding and space issues. She said not only will it provide isolation rooms, but it will provide additional clinic rooms as well.

County Mayor Randy Porter said the budget for the project sits at some $1.5 million. He said Bell Construction is the manager for the project.

Bumbalough said the $1.5 million project will be covered partially by grant funds and partially by county funds.
