Friday, December 27, 2024
Happening Now

Putnam GOP Reagan Day Dinner Nearly Sold Out

The Putnam County Republican Party only has a handful of tickets left for their annual dinner, Chairman Cindy Scheuman said.

“When you have communities that recognize local politics are just more important to their backyard than the national narrative, we get a bigger turnout, people need to stop being polarized,” Scheuman said.

Sen. Mark Green will be the keynote speaker. The event also includes a meet and greet with Republican officials at the local, state and national level. There’s also a live auction.

“We do an annual fundraiser but this year is bigger and better because next year is an election cycle and the Republican party will help the local officials with their campaign expenses,” Scheuman said.

The Red to the Roots Reagan Day event will take place Thursday evening at Trinity Algood.
