Thursday, January 9, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam County Voters Elects County Commissioners

The final numbers are in from the Putnam County Commissioners races.

In District 1, Jonathan A. D. Williams led the way with roughly 49 percent of the district’s votes, with Kevin Christopher taking the second seat.

Williams said many of the elected seats will bring fresh faces to the commission.

“It looks like half of the body has turned over. So that is twelve out of twenty-four commissioners will be new from these past four years,” Williams said. “It says that the people of Putnam County are looking for some fresh blood and new direction.”

Sam Sandlin ran away with District 2 with 42 percent, while Jim Martin will take the second seat with 34 percent.

Jerry Ford and Jordan Iwanyszyn were selected to take the seats of the county’s third district.

A tight race in District 4 saw Theresa Tayes take the top spot, with Jerry Robertson defeating Larry Bennett by two votes for the district’s second seat.

Two candidates ran away with District 5 as Terry Randolph and Cindy Adams were elected.

District 6 resulted in another tight race, with Chris Cassetty leading the way. Adam Johnson defeated Chris Savage by two votes to take the District’s second seat.

Andrew Donadio and Grover N. Bennett Jr. were elected to represent the county’s seventh district.

Donadio said the voters wanted something new on the commission.

“The voters in the different districts and again speaking for my district seven, it is going to be myself and Grover Bennett Jr. Both of us will be doing the county commission. Both incumbents are gone now,” Donadio said. “And I appreciate Mike Medley for everything he has done. He had served many terms on the county commission and I appreciate his service. But the voters just obviously they seemed to want something different.”

A tight race in District 8 saw Ben Rodgers and Danny Holmes took the district’s two seats, with Jack Duncan losing out by just over 50 votes.

Jimmy Neal dominated the ninth district with over a third of all votes, while Dale Moss finished second.

Joe Iwanyszyn and Kim Bradford led the way over Danny Morphew in District 10.

A large race in District 11 resulted in Darren Wilson leading the way with Kathy Dunn taking the second seat.

Finally, Cathy Qualls Reel and Mike Atwood were selected to represent District 12 in the county.
