Friday, January 3, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam BOE Approves Enrollment Restrictions For Next Year

Enrollment for Putnam County Schools will be restricted next year.

At the recommendation of attendance supervisor Chris Pierce, the board of education has voted to freeze priority 3-and-4-enrollments at the elementary school level.

“This is important for families to realize and understand and make plans accordingly,” board member Celeste Gammon said. “I cannot not impress that enough. All of our elementary schools are great and nobody is going to be left out if they didn’t get into certain schools.”

The move means future enrollment will only be for priority 1 and 2, or students currently enrolled or who live within the school zone.

Priority 3 are students who have a sibling already enrolled in a school and priority 4 are students who live outside the school zone.

“These rules have been in place since 2008, so it’s not like we are throwing some new rules out there,” board chairman Kim Cravens said.

Enrollment restrictions will not apply to middle schools next year.

Pierce said 10,945 k-12 students pre-enrolled for next school year, including 672 future kindergarten students.
