Monday, September 16, 2024
Happening Now

Putnam 4-H Team Wins State FCS Skillathon; Headed To Nationals

Putnam County’s 4-H Team has won the State Family And Consumer Science Skillathon competition and is headed to the national competition in January.

Putnam 4-H Youth Development Agent Olivia Deason said the team has been practicing since spring for the competitions. Deason said weekly practices rotate between skills in interior design and housing, food and cooking, and sewing and clothing.

“They’re all individually very bright girls,” Deason said. “They’re very kind and respectful and hardworking, and they practice. They came to practice each week from April until here we are in October, so they put in the work and determination. And they really practice here in our office and they also practice individually at home.”

Deason said her team placed first in regionals as well. Each individual placed in the top ten during the State competition. Deason said the competition included naming the different parts, ingredients, and techniques used in each category as well as a written test.

“I’m just proud of them that they’ve learned new life skills, they’ve made friends, and that they’ve walked away with new information that they can use later on in life,” Deason said. “And that’s what 4-H is all about.”

Deason said before the state competition she told her team they were no less than if they don’t win and if they do not perform well.

“At the end of the day, we want them to learn life skills,” Deason said. “They’re all confident and competent girls and at the end of the day it’s just a competition right?”

Deason said the upcoming National’s contest is very expensive and the 4-H team is always looking for donations. Deason said citizens can choose to donate for the competition at any of their upcoming fundraisers or through the 4-H office. The National Competition is set to be hosted in January in San Antonio.
