Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Happening Now

Planning Commission Needs Commission Approval For Small Plat Approval

The Putnam County Planning Department will need to make one of its common practices legal again after a change to state law.

Planning Director Kevin Rush said the department has historically approved plats up to two-lots in-house. However, legislation passed in the most recent General Assembly session now requires a one-time approval by the county commission to continue.

“State law actually gives the planning commission the authority to delegate five lot plats to staff,” Rush said. “I don’t recommend that. I think anything above two needs to come to the planning commission, so I’m not proposing any changes to our existing practice.”

The Planning Commission recommended Tuesday that the county commission approves the request during its July meeting. Rush said County Attorney Jeff Jones has already drafted the resolution.

“The legislature revisited the types of administrative approvals that can be given on plats,” Rush said. “Everything that I heard as it went through the legislature was they wee going to make it easier for planning commissions to designate staff to approve plats. They did, but they through a kicker in.”

Rush said that kicker was the required county commission approval. The legislation impacted the State Public Chapter 994.

“We just need to make the practice legal again,” Rush said.
