Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Schools Maintenance Saves $ On Rickman Elementary Stair Fixes

Overton County Schools’ maintenance department set to save the system money on repairs to a Rickman Elementary staircase.

Supervisor Steve Mosley said it was brought to his attention that a staircase on the rear gym entrance was coming away from the building. He said after bringing in an engineer, it was determined that the staircase was stable but needed to be shored.

“We’re coming underneath and pouring footers and then we’re constructing steel i-beams, two different sections to support that staircase and keep it from moving any more than it already has,” Mosley said. “It’s for sure the most economical, but this will be the best and safest way to go about that.”

School Board Chair Mike Hayes said work that was originally estimated to cost around $65,000. Hayes said Mosley was able to get the material and find a company that will reinforce the stairs with steel for just $9,000.

Mosley said the school board has already approved funding to put towards the project. He said they hope to get the work completed over the summer.

