Monday, January 20, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Residents Ask Commission For More Support To Animal Services

Three Overton County residents voiced concern to county commissioners Monday night about the government’s support of animal services.

Resident Beryl Anne Dunn approached the commission during the public comment section of the meeting. Dunn said the animal rescue in the county is under-resourced.

“Basically, I just asked them to do something,” Dunn said. “There is not a week that goes by that somebody I know doesn’t pick up a couple of dogs. This woman and her husband has been doing this for 10 years without saying a word. It’s getting to the point that it is overwhelming.”

Dunn asked the commission to possibly consider sponsoring the operation or donating to the 501-C. Resident Teresa Lewis continued the public comment and said she sees animals dropped off regularly at the Allons convenience center.

“I live across the street. People drop off animals all the time,” Lewis said. “I have four cats and two dogs that I never wanted, because they dump them out. Countless people. I mean just countless people.”

Resident Traci Opoka rounded off the public comments. Opoka asked the commission to “think long and hard” about the concerns shared from residents.

After hearing the citizens concerns, County Executive Steven Barlow said conversations are happening to better the situation. Barlow said he has spoken to the person over the operation to possibly find more volunteers or help with funding.

“It’s not all just nightmares. We are trying to help,” Barlow said. “We had a conversation about the difference between a rescue and animal shelter. She wants to rescue.”

Barlow said he gets about three to four calls monthly about the animal situation.
