Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Happening Now

Overton Pickett Emergency Communication Department Updating Phone System

The Overton/Pickett Emergency Communication Department hopes to update its phone system in the upcoming fiscal year.

Director Chris Massiongale said the new phone system is being added to the next fiscal year’s budget, which will be voted on Thursday night. He said Tennessee mandates 911 phone systems be updated every five to ten years.

“These systems are now capable of receiving text messages, video, and things of that nature,” Massiongale said. “Our system is ten years in age, and it is time to replace it to where we can have the upgraded features to serve the people in the community as best we can.”

Massiongale said the new phone system is the only major change to this year’s budget, and everything else is similar as previous years.

“We started cutting expenses some years back and we’re pretty well streamlined,” Massiongale said. “So other than adjustments for increased costs and taxes and things of those nature there’s really no change.”

Massiongale said the department has been cutting back on costs due to rising costs and inflation.

“We’ve streamlined everything as much as we possibly can, and we utilize what we have to,” Massiongale said. “We’ve not had any major projects last year, and we don’t have any others other than the phone system slated for this year.”

Massiongale said this will be the first of two readings for this year’s budget. He said there will be a public meeting prior to the next reading.
