Thursday, March 6, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Expecting By-Mail Ballots To Triple

The Overton County Election Commission is preparing for an increase in absentee ballots for November’s election.

Administrator Craig Story said the county is expecting about 500 by-mail ballots. Almost tripling the amount for August’s election.

“Back in August, we had about 175 or somewhere in that neighborhood for that election there,” Story said. “But, that is really apples and oranges compared to what we will have in November. I am going to say we are going have in the neighborhood of 10,000 people who are going to participate.”

The commission approved moving counting the absentee ballots two hours earlier to 2:00 p.m on Election Day. Story said this will give enough time to add an additional counting board if needed. Story said luckily, counting votes is now easier than ever.

“When we first started, the counting board would go in early in the morning sometimes, and they would still be there when the polls closed in the evening,” Story said. “Now, of course it is done a lot more on computer, and things are a whole lot different then the way it was. A whole lot more sorting and not as much having to just put an eye to it and do it one vote at a time.”

Election day is November 3rd.
