Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Cruise-In Moves To TCAT With Downtown Work

The Overton County Cruise-in entertaining greater numbers after moving from the Livingston Square to the TCAT Livingston campus.

Cruise-In President Josh Johnson said the event had an unusually large turnout in its first installment at the new location in April. He said some 135 vintage cars were parked in the lot and attendees had space to spread out and enjoy the show. He said he decided to move the event as sidewalk construction is set to begin in the square.

“They’re doing a little construction over at TCAT right now as well,” Johnson said. “But they’ve got a lot of parking and I think we’ve got more room to grow and get more vehicles in there, and it’s a lot safer for people.”

Johnson said at the square, pedestrians traveling to the event had vehicle traffic to contend with, unlike at TCAT. He said he plans to make TCAT the new home for the event through October, at least. The next cruise-in comes Saturday.

“It’s been super, super helpful,” Johnson said. “They’ve been extremely nice, and whenever I talk to them over there, they were more than generous about having us there.”

He said TCAT’s cafeteria staff is cooking food for the event each month as well. He said anyone interested in classic cars, live music, good food, and giveaways is welcome at the free event on the second Saturday of each month.

“We hated to start it in the middle of the year whenever they started the construction,” Johnson said. “So, TCAT volunteered to let us have it over there.”

He said he feels privileged to be part of a county where different groups are gracious enough to offer their space for events that bring residents together and strengthen the community’s overall culture.
