Monday, March 17, 2025
Happening Now

Overton County Ag. Extension’s May Marathon

The UT Ag. Extension of Overton County is encouraging people to increase physical activity by joining their May Marathon .

Participants have all of May to walk a half marathon (13 miles) or a full marathon (26 miles.) in their own time. Extension Agent Christina Swallows said the objective is to walk daily to be healthier.

“No matter where someone is at, if they can only walk five minutes, then do those five minutes,” Swallows said. “Maybe later in the day do another five minutes. Before you know it, they’ll be walking 10,20 or 30 minutes.”

Swallows said participants are in charge of keeping track of their miles walked and report the total at the end of May. There will be a certificate for completing the half or full marathon.

“It is a great opportunity at this time where people have been stuck at home with the coronavirus to go out and enjoy the spring weather,” Swallows said.

Walking increases cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness. reduces risk of heart disease and stroke. improves management of conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness and diabetes.

“It is highly important to be physically active,” Swallows said. “One of the cheapest and easiest ways for everyone to be active is to walk. Anyone who can walk, we encourage them to walk as much as they can.”

Visit to register. Or you can mail (312 E Broad St, Suite 6; Livingston TN 38570) or email to the following information: Name, Email, Mailing Address, Phone Number and let us know which you plan to achieve half marathon (13 miles) or full marathon (26 miles).
