Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Commission Tables Proposal To Move Meeting Location

The Overton County Commission’s meeting location will stay put after commissioners tabled a proposal to move to the Millard V. Oakley County Services Building.

Commissioner Greg Nivens said he thinks the tradition of holding business on the top floor of the county courthouse should remain.

“I remember ole Lib Gore and John Webb up here and a lot of memories and there is a whole lot of historical value to this,” Nivens said. “People are used to coming up here.”

County Executive Steven Barlow proposed the move. He said he suggested the idea since majority of committee meetings happen in the new building. Barlow also wanted to incorporate projectors and power points into commission meetings. Something the courthouse does not have.

After discussion, the commission voted to add the county services building as an alternative meeting location in the event of an anticipated large turnout.
