Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Commission Holds Outdoor Meeting

The Overton County Commissioners monthly meeting moved outdoors Monday possibly for the first time in county history.

Normally, the meeting is held in the county’s court room, but Judge Amy Hollars’ court was in session when the clock struck five o’clock for the meeting’s start time. With the commissioners standing idle, County Executive Ben Danner decided to move the meeting on the east side of the courtyard.

“This probably is the first time in history,” Danner said. “I have been on here for 20 years as a county executive and a commissioner almost, and it is the first time ever we have had an outdoor county commission meeting. Judge Hollars was in session, so we decided to ask all the commission. So, we come outside to the courthouse lawn.”

Danner said luckily, he has a loud voice and the weather was nice allowing the impromptu outdoor meeting.
