Thursday, March 27, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Co. Schools Reviewing LA Bleacher Replacement Price

The Overton County School System will bring in its architect to address the aging Livingston Academy football stadium bleachers.

Building Committee Chairman Mike Hayes said the seats are not condemnable, but the risk of an accident happening is present.

“I think the last time they came up they sent one of the structural engineers over there,” Hayes said. “They said they are not in jeopardy of falling right now, but the longer we wait, the more issues there are.”

During Tuesday’s Building Committee meeting, Hayes said plans for replacement will be based on the architect’s feedback. If the recommendation is to start the project, Hayes said Livingston Academy could be with out a football field for at least one season.

“It may be the aspect that it is not this year,” Hayes said. “It may be next year, if they tell us we can use that one more year. As soon as the season is over next year, do they tear down and start at that point? We don’t spend the money this year and pull it out this year? I don’t know the answers to that until he gets up here.”

Hayes said $2 million will be the price limit for the school system. Hayes said the system could reduce the costs by decreasing capacity at the stadium, for example, 2,000 home seats and 800 visitors seats.

“Obviously, that will reduce the cost cause it is $225 per unit, which is basically $225 per person,” Hayes said. “So if I reduce that, that would reduce that cost, which in turn, would reduce the cost of the facilities for the restroom needs, the concession area, square footage and size there, but it is not going to cut it down. You might save a million a million and a half.”

Hayes said the system still plans to move forward with the $4.3 million stadium renovation project approved two years ago. Hayes said with the Overton County Commission pushing for the school’s fund balance to pay for the project, the plan will be reviewed to cut unneeded costs. The school’s fund balance currently sits at about $9 million.

According to Hayes, Dr. Larry Mason is still willing to sell the school system 10-11 acres at $10,000-$11,000 per acre. School Board Member William Abston said he wants to look to buy more for future growth and build a track. Mason is considering selling more but will be based on offers from the school system. Hayes said the ultimate plan is to complete a new track.

In other business, the Overton County Board of Education approved Interim Director Donnie Holman’s contract. Chairman Jarman Hicks said the salary is comparable to the last director with no performance based evaluations due to the amount of time in office.

The contract lasts until June 30 2022. Hicks said Holman is also eligible to apply for the permanent position when the time comes.

Also approved was a $100,000 purchase for two trucks and a SUV for the system. Overton County teacher COVID leave time benefits were also extended to March 31st.
