Saturday, March 22, 2025
Happening Now

Overton Co. Finishing Final Touches Of Move In Process

Overton County employees are settling in to its new Millard V. Oakley County Services building after opening Monday.

County Executive Ben Danner said the move in process has gone smoothly. Workers are now spending the first week learning the new layout of the 23,000 square foot building.

“So far, everybody I think is liking it,” Danner said. “It is just a really big improvement over where we were at. It takes some getting used to for everybody to find where all the offices at, cause they have been going over there for 40 years where we were at.”

Danner said there are no plans on how the vacant building will be used. Sorting through the remaining supplies and files at the old offices on University Street will take a few more months.

“We are going to see if any of the other departments can use the stuff,” Danner said. “The fire department can use a lot of the stuff we are not going to use and some of the community centers. So, we check with them first.”

Danner said the county archives has to clean its moldy books before completely moving. Besides that, just a few boxes remain to be unpacked at the new location.

“Everything is here. It is not unpacked yet, but all the places where the public can get to, it is,” Danner said. “There are a lot of storage rooms and archives is now where close to being done. A lot of the offices like mine we got a lot of storage and stuff we have not put up yet.”

Danner said the only issue with the new building are fire alarms accidental getting pulled.

“The only thing major we have had a lot of people have accidentally pushed the fire alarm on the elevator,” Danner said. “Other then that, everything is going pretty smooth.”

The county began moving into its new offices November 11th. Each floor of the Millard V. Oakley County Services building is 9,000 square foot, and the basement is 5,000 square foot, where the archives precedes.
