Friday, March 21, 2025
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New Grant Program In The Works To Establish More UC Transitional Housing

The State Department of Economic Community Development is developing a new transitional housing grant program for substance abuse.

UCDD Executive Director Mark Farley said counties will be able to apply for grants up to $400,000 to build or acquire facilities.

“In the Upper Cumberland region, we got a lot of individuals that are coming out of treatment that they don’t need to go back to their old environment,” Farley said. “They need some place that’s safe. Some place that will be supportive of their issues as they try to dig out of their substance abuse issue.”

Farley said the development district has not received the final details as the state department works on approval in Washington D.C. Farley said preliminary information indicates individuals will be able to stay for a two year transitional period.

“That is still in development, but it’s moving seems like pretty quickly, and that’s an area I think is a great need in the Upper Cumberland area,” Farley said.

Farley said he anticipates the program to roll out later this year. Farley said UCDD wants to put together a program to help counties oversee the facilities before applications roll out. Farley said whatever is purchased through the grant funds would remain county property while UCDD or a local non-profit would operate the space.

“We operate housing here in the Upper Cumberland,” Farley said. “We deal with this population already, so we wanted to make sure the mayors were aware that opportunities are coming down the pipe and that we would be available to partner with them.”
