Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

NAACP Keynote Speaker Urges To Continue The Fight For Democracy On MLK Day

It is a time of great challenge.

Keynote speaker Pastor David Meek from the historically Black Cookeville church McClellan Avenue Church of Christ urged community members to fight on during Monday’s MLK Breakfast.

“We must find ways to get around and over those barriers,” Meek said. “We must press forward. We must write letters to our Congress. Testify before Congress when necessary. Encourage involvement of those who are not involved. Run for public office. Use every tool in the tool box.”

Meek called Dr King a champion. He said King predicted the current struggles with voting rights and continued issues of racism. Meek said registering to vote, participating in elections and running for office are ways to fight for democracy.

“The opposition is counting on us not voting,” Meek said. “They’re trying to make it hard for us to cast a vote. We must get these national voter bills passed in Congress. We must fight to keep our democracy. It is worth fighting for, so folks fight forward. Don’t feel in no ways tired.”
