Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Happening Now

More Paddlecrafts on The Water This Summer in Upper Cumberland

The TWRA has seen a huge increase in paddlecrafts on the water this year.

Region-3 Wildlife Sergeant Dustin Buttram said from the Caney Fork, Obey River to Dale Hollow, there’s been an increase in use. Buttram said if people can get a paddlecraft to the water, they’re going to get in.

“Any of the small city lakes in Cookeville, and you know even one up Monterey we had an accident up there earlier this year with a kayak, basically any where they can get to a body of water easily, we’re seeing an increase in all those areas,” Buttram said.

Despite state trends, Buttram said the good news is the Upper Cumberland has not seen an increase in safety issues, despite more people on the water. However, Buttram said there is still plenty to watch out for.

“We always try to push to have everybody have a life jacket on, that’s one of our easiest ways to keep people safe, and keep a proper lookout, a majority of our boat accidents come from not paying attention to your surroundings,” Buttram said.

For Labor Day, Buttram said to keep moderation for anyone planning on drinking while out on a paddlecraft this holiday. While also emphasizing when to call 911.

“Not calling 911 just because somebody falls over, out of a boat, especially when they’ve got a life jacket on, we’re getting just pounded with those calls and it’s tying up a lot of our resources,” Buttram said.

Buttram said that if you see this happen to assess the situation and try to help by throwing a flotation device, and be aware of how deep the water really is.
