Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Wastewater Plant 70 Percent Complete, Finish Date Early 2024

Construction on Monterey’s new wastewater plant stands about 70 percent complete, but the plant will not be completed this year.

Consultant Zeda Hillis told the Board of Mayor and Aldermen Monday night that the contractor will likely bring a contract extension to the board at its October meeting.

“We’re waiting on electrical control panel, which is a very major component for the plant,” Hillis said. “They’re still doing some finishing things down there, but that’s kind of if. They said that that control panel is about 25 percent of the 30 that’s lacking. So we still haven’t got an estimated delivery date.”

Hillis said they are not ready to set a firm finish date for the facility, but it would likely be the first quarter of 2024.

“If they can get that unit in within the next couple of months and finish everything up, it’ll tie together,” Hillis said. “It’s not going to extend it a long time, but we will need to do a contract extension.”

Though the board will need to vote on an extension, Hillis said it would not mean more money.

“This is not anything that they have failed or lacking in, it’s just a delay in the delivery times on getting the deliverables here on site,” Hillis said.

Meantime, plans for the Calfkiller Water project should be ready for official review at the end of the week. Hillis said they hope to bid that project at the end of the month.

In other business, the board approved a zoning change of 2.5 acres on Old Walton Road from R1 residential to R2 residential. The board approved the final reading of the ordinance to change the price for lots in the Welch Memorial Cemetery.

The town also locked in a fireworks contract for July, 2024. The contractor allowed the city to lock-in the same show as last year at $15,000 without an expected price increase.
