Wednesday, December 25, 2024
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Monterey Wants To Add New Police Officer To Budget

The Monterey Finance Committee wants to add a new police officer in the new fiscal year budget.

The committee voted to recommend the new officer at its meeting Monday.

The position would be salaried at $44,200 per year. Committee Chair Bill Wiggins said there is no job description at this time but the officer would fill many needed services.

“Bear in mind this person will be primarily responsible for being present at Bee Rock, Meadow Creek Park, Whitaker Park, and also to fill in for overtime for the regular officers,” Wiggins said.

Chief Financial Officer Ella Dishman said Monterey had paid out $30,000 in overtime to police officers this fiscal year through March.

Other proposed Budget Items for the next fiscal year include Fire Department turn-out gear at $35,000, and two pickup trucks for the Water Distribution Department at $30,000 each.

Discussion arose over a possible used ladder truck for the fire department under the present budget. A year 2000 model may become available for $200,000. Funds for the truck have already been approved in the current year’s budget.

The 2023-2024 budget will go before the Board of Alderman for final approval on May 1.
