Thursday, January 23, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Taking Bids To Repair Police Station

Monterey is taking bids for a series of repairs designed to preserve the town’s police station.

Police Chief Bill Randolph said they will be replacing the flashing, making repairs on the roof as well as all the gutters and a couple doors. Randolph said there will also be one brand new addition: an awning over the building’s city court door meant to shelter people from rain.

“The way this building is built, the water just runs straight down over the top of that door,” Randolph said. “So when the judge or when people are coming to court you actually get drenched coming in and out of the building. So I’m excited that now all that water won’t run straight down onto the face of the door there when you come in and out.”

Randolph said the issues need to be addressed before the building starts to deteriorate. Randolph said the project began because they discovered water damage to the building and the work expanded to include other important repairs.

“The building was used for something else before the city bought it for police department so the building’s got some age to it,” Randolph said.

Randolph said one contractor should be able to handle all of the different tasks themselves.

“It hasn’t slowed anything down or sped anything up, it’s just been business as usual,” Randolph said. “It’s just to help out with the longevity of the building itself.”

Randolph said the city has already bid out and ordered a new HVAC unit for the building as well.

“To me the heating and cooling part will be great because the part that’s affected is my office,” Randolph said. “And when it’s cold in the other rooms it’s hot in mine and when it’s hot in the other places it’s cold in mine, so I’m looking really forward to the heating and cooling unit.”

Randolph said several of the repairs were approved a couple of years ago but had not made any progress until now.
