Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Mayor Questions Enterprise Fund Motion

Monterey Aldermen voted last night to earmark alcoholic beverage sales for an enterprise fund that will pay for sidewalk and road projects.

Alderman Rebecca Iaquinta made the motion to earmark the funds during Monday night’s board of mayor and aldermen meeting.

“In all the years I have been in office, streets has always operated either on zero or negative. This is a way to fund streets and sidewalks,” Iaquinta said. “We are funding this and that and we are nickel-diming ourselves to death and not getting the basic infrastructure of this town taken care of.”

The city expects to bring in an estimated $60,000 to $70,000 from alcoholic beverage sales.

Mayor Bill Wiggins said Tuesday morning that the motion made would not work because roads and sidewalks are not considered enterprise funds.

“The definition of an enterprise is if you are selling a product or service and the only enterprise fund the town of Monterey has right now is water,” Wiggins said.

Wiggins also said the money from alcoholic beverage sales is budgeted as revenue for the general fund in 2018-2019 fiscal year budget.

“If the finance Committee wants to take a look at this and do a budget amendment and direct it in that particular way and get consent then they can do this,” Wiggins said.

Aldermen Charles Looper and Dale Welch voted against the motion Monday night.
