Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Alderman’s Trash Service Suggestions Do Not Move Past Committee

The Monterey Sanitation Committee made no changes to the town’s trash services after a Friday meeting discussing the disposal of large items.

Alderman Charles Looper wanted to create a separate trash route specifically for household items to reduce truck tonnage. Alderman Mark Farley said all the garbage goes to the same landfill, so the extra route is unnecessary.

“I don’t think it is feasible for us to run another truck,” Farley said. “Right now, you got the boys weed eating and stuff like that, so it would take them away from that if we had another truck.”

Farley said the town pays for the same tonnage at the landfill regardless if an extra route was implemented. Looper also mentioned possible fines for residents that improperly dump furniture.

The idea did not receive support from committee members. Farley said Monterey does not have the capability to track who dumps what.

Looper called the situation a, “Losing battle.”
