Sunday, December 29, 2024
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Minor Issues Found In Overton Co Health & Rehab Accounting

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office found two minor issues in its latest audit of the Overton County Health and Rehab Center.

The state found the center failed to properly refund credit balances for 59 former residents. Almost 27 thousand dollars in refunds were due, with the money due back to Medicaid in all but six cases. The center’s management said a system would be implemented to properly refund credit balances going forward. Over $20,000 has been refunded to Medicaid as of the audit’s release.

The second finding involved how the center reported charges to Medicaid. The mistake totaled some $2.3 million and the state found the mistakes were primarily due to the incorrect classification of charges.

Center management reports the total routine charges were reported properly. Changes were also made in the accounting reports for fiscal year ending June, 2018. Management said the center will review daily records going forward to ensure no further issues.

The state found Overton County Health and Rehab complied with all other guidelines. Overton County owns the center.
