Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Meet The Candidates: Michael Boles Is Running For Celina Mayor

(Editors Note: This is the sixth in a series of Meet The Candidate Interviews as we prepare for the June 1 election in Celina. The office of mayor will be filled as will three seats on the Board Of Aldermen.)

Michael Boles is one of the three people running for Celina mayor.

Boles said he has been a resident since 1979. Boles is a nurse practitioner and has served over 26 years with the United States Navy and Air Force. Boles said addressing aging infrastructure is something he looks to do if voted as mayor.

“I look around at the city and from where it came from when I was younger to where it is now,” Boles said. “I see things just slowly deteriorate, and part of it you can blame on the economy and part of it you can blame on us, because we have kind of let it erode away. I was hoping to put a stop to that.”

Boles said the starting point is making a plan to update water and sewer lines. Boles said from there, the city will have the foundation to create more opportunities so families can stay in the community.

This is Boles’ response on what he wants to address as mayor.

“The most pressing issue I would have to say is probably the infrastructure, because you can’t move forward unless you’re sure, and again, I don’t know how old our infrastructure is and what we need to be able to get in there,” Boles said. “But, I do know that water lines break and they age and I have been there my entire life and have not seen them updated in several years. I know probably that is one of the things that is going to hit us pretty soon that we’ll have to upgrade. There are lots of upgrades we need. A better road system as well as factories or jobs where people can come to enjoy what we have to offer.”

Boles said this is his outlook for the future of Celina.

“I would like to see it as a thriving, little, community like it once was, so that we will have enough jobs that people will be able to find jobs at home and not drive outside of town in order to find a job so families don’t have to break up and move away and separate unless that’s their choice,” Boles said. “As the way it is now, we really don’t have a choice.”

Early voting lasts until May 27th. Election Day is June 1st.
