Thursday, March 27, 2025
Happening Now

McMinnville Mayor Orders Several COVID Measures Starting Monday

The city of McMinnville will begin a series of new COVID guidelines starting Monday.

Mayor Ryle Chastain has ordered the closure of public access to walk-in services and lobbies. This includes city hall, fire halls and the police department.

Face coverings will be required on city property for all people that do not have an exemption. Municipal Court will move to the Park Theater. As a result, all events currently planned at the venue are postponed.

Large indoor gathering including classes at Milner Center are postponed. City board meetings will be moved back to the City Hall first floor lobby. Planning Commission, BZA and Historic Zoning meetings will be held at the Park Theater.

For employees, non-essential meetings, trainings or conferences, indoor sporting events and any other activities where there are large gatherings are cancelled. The city will have drop boxes and walk-up windows for those needing to conduct business.
