Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Happening Now

Local Realtors Group Celebrates 50th Anniversary

The Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors celebrating 50 years of supporting local realtors.

President Amanda Wiegand-Selby said they provide a network for realtors, especially those who serve small communities. Wiegand-Selby said the association has been a big help to its members.

“We are a resource for any questions we’ve got three employees that can help you with anything that you have questions on,” Wiegand-Selby said. “If you don’t know how to fill out something properly and you need the right documentation they are your resource to reach out to if you can’t reach one of your brokers.”

The association provides training classes for realtors who must have 16 hours of training every two years to renew their realtors license. The anniversary will be celebrated with a special event this week.

Wiegand-Selby said serving the Upper Cumberland for 50 years has been something special.

“Just being in the Upper Cumberland for 50 years is such a feat for us,” Wiegand-Selby. “Started as a very small board association of just 15 members to what we are today. Today we have 589 active members and that’s not including our business partners.”

Wiegand-Selby said this time of year the housing market slows down with school starting. Wiegand-Selby said even though it’s slow, the market is looking good with an influx of out-of-state buyers.

“We are adding up inventory a little bit which is good for our buyers,” Wiegand-Selby said. “They get more of a little bit of a choice on what they want instead of feeling like they did in 2020 and 2021 where you had to react right then and there. We are starting to see a little bit more choices and a little bit of a waiting game for buyers if they are not finding the one and they are waiting till they find the perfect home.”

Wiegand-Selby said the association is made up of mostly realtors and would not be as successful as it is without the realtors who are members.
