Wednesday, January 29, 2025
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Local Physician Named President Of Academy

Livingston Family Physician Dr. Kenneth Beaty named the new president of the Tennessee Academy of Family Physicians.

Beaty said the academy is designed to help advocate family physicians across the state. Beaty said he has been a member of the academy since 1994 and is honored to be the president.

“I’m hoping that it’s not too much work but it is a privilege to be able to serve the academy and represent the family physicians across the state.”

Beaty said as president his main goal is to convince family physician students to work in rural areas across Tennessee. Beaty said the Academy will operate the Tennessee State Loan Re-Payment Program to encourage new physicians to work in rural areas.

“We have a lot of students that come from rural areas but they don’t often come back,” Beaty said. “I think if we can let them know that they can survive and prosper in these kinds of settings and actually be what people think of when they think of a family doctor.”

Beaty said Sparta Physician Dr. Chet Gentry helped him get more involved with the Academy. Beaty said he hopes to be a great resource for physicians across the state.

“With my involvement, I know many family physicians from Memphis to Johnson City and just it gives us people that we can contact and provide support for,” Beaty said.

Beaty has spent several years on the Congress of Delegates and Board of Directors for the academy. Beaty has served as the Vice President of the academy for the previous two years. Beaty said he looks forward to traveling across the state and helping other physicians.
