Livingston’s courthouse square could receive pedestrian signals in the near future.
The city applying for a state grant up to $100,000 to install the button system at three of the four intersections. Capital Projects Coordinator Ray Evans said the project is a natural step forward considering the growth of the central business district.
“It’s amazing over the last four, five, six years how many folks have said why don’t we have pedestrian signals,” Evans said. “Most recently why don’t we have pedestrian signals like Monterey has. So the pressure is on just from a community competition stand point if nothing else.”
Evans said the city has contemplated the project since 2017 when wiring was installed for future signals. However, funding the project has always been an issue. Evans said the grant application will hopefully allow the project to move forward.
“We installed about 800-feet of two-inch conduit and installed boxes on three of the signalized intersections of the square in anticipation,” Evans said. “While we were already tearing things up, we decided to go ahead and put that conduit in place. We’ve been searching for funding for some time.”
Evans said he anticipates feedback from the state early next years. Evans said it is a new TDOT program that has $500,000 reserved in grants for communities.